(******)Supreme Decree that modifies Supreme Decree No. 116-2020-PCM, Supreme Decree that establishes the measures that citizens must follow in the new social coexistence and extends the State of National Emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the nation to consequence of COVID-19, modified by Supreme Decrees N ° 129-2020-PCM, N ° 135-2020-PCM, N ° 139-2020-PCM and N ° 146-2020-PCM. (******) “Article 3.- Limitation of the exercise of the right to freedom of movement of persons. (******)
3.1. During the validity of the State of National Emergency, the mandatory social immobilization of all people in their homes is provided that will govern from Monday, September 21, 2020, from 11:00 p.m. to 04:00 a.m. the next day, from Monday to Sunday nationwide; with the exception of the departments of Cusco, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna; and the provinces of Chachapoyas, Condorcanqui and Utcubamba of the department of Amazonas, the provinces of Santa, Casma, Huaraz and Huarmey of the department of Ancash, the province of Abancay of the department of Apurímac, the provinces of Huamanga, Huanta, Lucanas and Parinacochas of the department of Ayacucho, the province of Cajamarca of the department of Cajamarca, the province of Huancavelica of the department of Huancavelica, the provinces of Huánuco, Leoncio Prado and Puerto Inca of the department of Huánuco, the provinces of Ica and Pisco of the department of Ica, the provinces of Huancayo and Satipo of the department of Junín, the province of Huaral of the department of Lima, the province of Tambopata of the department of Madre de Dios and the provinces of Pasco and Oxapampa of the department of Pasco, in which the mandatory social immobilization of people in their addresses are in effect from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the next day, and on Sundays during all the day until 4:00 the next day.
In the case of the Trujillo province of the department of La Libertad, mandatory social immobilization is maintained on Sundays throughout the day until 4:00 am the next day.
Likewise, on Sundays throughout the day until 4:00 am the next day, the circulation of private vehicles is prohibited at the national level. This measure will be in force as of Sunday, September 20, 2020.
During compulsory social immobilization, strictly necessary personnel who participate in the provision of food supply services, health, medicines, financial services, restaurant service for home delivery (delivery), continuity of water services are excepted , sanitation, electrical energy, gas, fuels, telecommunications and related activities, cleaning and collection of solid waste, funeral services, freight and merchandise transport and related activities, activities related to the resumption of economic activities, transport of flows, the latter according to as stipulated by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. During compulsory social immobilization, pharmacies, drug stores and drugstores are allowed to provide care according to the norm of the matter.
The staff of the written, radio or television press may transit during the period of mandatory social immobilization as long as they carry their personal work pass, their respective journalistic credential and their National Identity Document for identification purposes. The authorization is also extensive for the mobile units that transport them for the fulfillment of their function.
The displacement of those people who require urgent or emergency medical attention because their life or health is at serious risk and the acquisition of medicines is also allowed, without restrictions due to compulsory social immobilization ”.
Article 3.- Restriction of meetings
It should be noted that social gatherings, including those held in homes and family visits, are prohibited, for health reasons and in order to avoid the increase in infections as a result of COVID-19.
Article 4.- Validity
This supreme decree will enter into force on September 20, 2020, with the exception of the schedule indicated in the first paragraph of numeral 3.1 of article 3 of Supreme Decree No. 116-2020-PCM, modified, among others, by article 2 of present supreme decree, the same one that will enter into force on September 21, 2020.
It should be noted that the other provisions that are regulated in Supreme Decree No. 146-2020-PCM remain in force.
Article 5.- Endorsement
This Supreme Decree is endorsed by the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion , the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, the Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Production, the Minister of Energy and Mines, the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation and the Minister of Education. The original source and full version of the article.
https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/decreto-supremo-que-modifica-el-decreto-supremo-n-116-2020-decreto-supremo-n-151-2020-pcm-1885582-1/ http://www.descentralizacion.gob.pe/index.php/2020/09/17/cuarentena-focalizada-de-mantiene-en-cusco-moquegua-puno-y-tacna/